Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International studiesGrowth Development of Nations Essay

International studiesGrowth Development of Nations - Essay Example It has also helped in transfer of technical know how, transfer of knowledge, export and import of goods and services, etc. But, as rightly stated by Rosenberg, globalization, which was meant to signify unity and integrity has no way proved to be successful instead resulted in cold war between countries for their share in the global market. Further, it is mentioned by Ellwood that gaps between rich and poor are widening and decision making power is concentrated in the hands of few developed and powerful nations (11). Rightly so, Rosenberg mentions in the article "Free Trade Fix" wherein the right to make decisions lie in the hands of IMF which is controlled by the United States and other European countries. The scenario of Puebla State in Mexico where the farmers cultivating corn have become the victims of globalization due to cheap corn being imported from US as part of free trade agreement between the two nations. The globalization has resulted in great opportunities like transfer of skills, employment, transfer of goods and services, etc. but it has all happened in pursuit of cheap labor in poor countries.

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